How to Become a World-Class Individual: 33 Strategies for Success Workbook

  • ISBN: 976-610-701-7
  • Release Date: January 2006
  • Publisher: Customer Service Academy of Jamaica
  • Format: Paper; 120-Paper

This Workbook is the personal hands-on companion to the book How to Become a World-Class Individual: 33 Strategies for Success. The application activities found in the Workbook are designed to sharpen readers' understanding of the 33 strategies outlined in the book. These activities will help readers of the book to focus on setting their personal goals for lifelong success.

The activities are thought-provoking and will help individuals build productive relationships, handle conflicts, and deal with negative feelings of self-worth. They are a way for them to evaluate where they are, and also to motivate and inspire them to be better individuals. Finally, the activities are really fun to do.

Retail price: US$13.00
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